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Your Legs are one of your most important assets!
With some care and maintenance they can last you for many years
Everyone abuses their legs at some time and while they heal they become dysfunctional and it is not until the body has dealt with this can the legs function the way they should again!
Each day of our lives is spent doing things in situations where we push our legs too far, too fast, too hard and we regret that we did it because our legs are going to make us pay by getting sore, tight and stiff, our ankles swell and we get blisters because our legs have filled with fluid and our feet don't fit in our shoes and rub against the leather.
ooooh my aching feet!
Keeping Functional Movement through Structured Movement
Functional Movement
Functional Movement is keeping the legs moving to the best of their ability so that you can keep doing things such as standing, sitting, climbing stairs, getting dressed while the body is going through self repair after they have been used and abused.
Structured Movement
Structured Movement is using a system of repetition to keep the legs moving and working while they go through self repair without breaking into the body's own repair processes to make it easier to maintain Functional Movement.
Leg Abuse
Do not take legs for granted as you need them in the best condition they can be for many years.
The legs use and abuse
Sometimes whether it is through the work we do for living and have to use the legs for, we abuse them and find that they are tired, sore, stiff, and it makesus lose motivation.
Sometimes we have problems taking the next step and moving one leg in front of the other!
We are caught in the position of not being able to move the legs because they are 'NON-FUNCTIONAL'!
On the other hand if we just sit and rest them until they feel better you are not doing yourself any favors because as they say 'If you don't use it you lose it!' and the problems get worse.
Prevention of fatigue relies on a system called the calf muscle pump to take used blood and fluid from the lower legs against gravity back to the body so it can be recycled as fresh blood.
To make it work the calf muscles have to be working at squeezing and relaxing the veins, these have one way valves in them to stop the used blood going back down the legs.
If they are not working used blood sits in the lower legs and fluid in the blood leaves through the vessel walls and because it isn't being pumped away fast enough it fills the tissue spaces and you have swollen ankles.
The Problem-fatigued legs and dealing with them
Getting the legs 'FUNCTIONAL' again and 'Taking the Next Step'
Using the hands to help break the chains put on the legs by fatigue
Are your legs tired from too much standing or walking?
When fatigue has set in the mind/brain/nervous system, muscular system and the other systems connected to leg mobility have difficulty understanding instructions and basically have communication problems and each of them is confused not knowing what is required as there is no guidance anymore.
The body needs guidance to get back on track and it needs to be shown what to do using simple commands that reconnect the systems so they can communicate again so you can get mobility back again!
The Multi-System Approach to working with stressed legs
The initial problem with stressed legs may start with the calf muscle pump not working and affecting the circulation causing muscle fatigue (used blood out through the venous system, fresh blood in through the arterial system)
Then the other leg mobility systems are also affected.
They are all interconnected, what affects one part of the body affects the rest of it as well.
The body itself is working at self-repair at micro-celluar levels.
Outside influences can't speed this up but they can retard the work being carried out if it is too aggressive while it is going on.
Using structured movement allows work to continue at a level that doesn't interfere with what the body is doing, while helping the mobility systems realign.
The Point of Difference between other systems and Wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation
The Multi-System Approach
Wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation resets and recalibrates the body's mobility systems using structured movement
Whether you are an accidental athlete or a deliberate athlete most people you have one thing in common-
THE LEGS are your most important mobility asset
What does the accidental athlete have in common with extreme runners and walkers?
Using the same system as used with endurance runners and walkers may help the legs keep the legs keep moving and help the body rebalance again!
And then it may not be suitable for your needs because it may not be portable, you will also have to carry oil, massage table and towels.
Or do Running Repairs and be self leg maintaining!
Gillan-Wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation Developer
It would be cheaper and more effective to pay me for the knowledge I have because I am the one who developed and tested Light Manual Muscle Relaxation over many years.
a workshop is available on Wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation the environmentally Friendly legs maintenance system!
Time for major work is not always available for someone who has to recover in the shortest time so the legs can perform at optimal efficiency as soon as they can so they can get back to putting in distance as soon as possible
What Now?
Many people will be unable to walk the next day or for the following days because of soreness and stiffness problems and not know how to deal with it, but with a little knowledge they may be able to get back to living without suffering too much
We offer a simple tested practical environmentally friendly solution to the problem
click link for more information
Light Manual Muscle Relaxation may help you move more easily without breaking into the body's natural repair processes
assists with recovery when the legs are feeling fatigued.
offers a strategy for coping with sore legs after doing a sport.
fills the gap between professional massage and no massage.
gives the self supporting fatigued leg user friendly way to recover
What is Wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation?
it is a simple physiology based recovery system developed for extreme athletes and tested at events all over the world and is in fact the only system that has been used on 2 runs around the world with Jesper Olsen of Denmark on his world run 1 and Tony Mangan of Dublin Ireland on his world run and his around the world walk
Arguably it can be said to be the most tested recovery system in the world!
The advantages of using wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation
It is Do It Yourself recovery
No disrobing
Works with the muscles not on them
No oil used
Non invasive
User friendly
Easy to learn
Fatigued leg people
Can easily learn and use the same system
They do not need to do an expensive dedicated course in recovery system
They do not need to invest in or carry expensive equipment
They can use it whenever they need it
It is Environmentally Friendly
Light Manual Muscle Relaxation the recovery system of choice for world runners!
(arguably the most rigorously tested leg recovery system in the world)
workshop on environmentally friendly wholistic Light Manual Muscle Relaxation
Addressing the lack of knowledge of dealing with fatigued legs
We offer a simple tested practical solution to the problem
There is no miracle cure for soreness and stiffness!
Light Manual Muscle Relaxation
(arguably the most rigorously tested leg recovery system in the world)